How to Use BPMN Gateways?

Gateway Types and How to Use Them

A Gateway is represented with a diamond shape and determine decisions, merging and joining of paths. These are the common types of BPMN gateways.
BPMN Gateway is a kind of flow objects that is used to direct sequence flows of a process based on certain condition. It serves as a gate, it will determine whether to let a certain flow pass, therefore gateways possibly control the selection of outgoing flow that pass through the gateways. Now we will explain each type of gateways in detail.
Event-Based Gateway
An event-based gateway is similar to a exclusive gateway because both involve one path in the flow but the trigger of the gateway is base on event occur instead of evaluate condition. In the case of using an event-based gateway, you need to evaluate which event has occurred.
Parallel Event-Based Gateway
A Parallel Event-Based gateway is similar to a parallel gateway. It allows for more than one process to happen at the same time. The difference from a parallel gateway is that the processes are dependent from one another. At parallel event-based gateway, multiple events can trigger multiple processes, but the processes are still dependent from one another.
These are the most commonly used ones. For more information please check : How to Use BPMN Gateways?



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